PLEASE APPLY by August 1, 2024 for consideration.
Thank you for your interest in Volunteering! We are so lucky that our volunteers typically come back from year to year!
If you have volunteered in the past, you will hear from us soon about renewals or you can email us directly at bluegrass@thomaspointbeach.com!
For NEW volunteers, please review all information below and fill out the electronic application at the bottom of this page.
The people that work the Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival are the ones who make the magic happen! We still consider ourselves new to the volunteer system; for the most part, long time festival goers simply help because they want to and the next thing you know, they are part of the team! The majority of the paid staff at Thomas Point Beach have been part of the story since near the beginning and they are the heart and soul of the event. They are also the best resource for information throughout the weekend. Over the past few years we have been implementing a new volunteer application and system. It is a work in process for us and we appreciate those who have rode out the bumps. We feel we have learned and will continue this process another year. Please read below carefully before applying. Please note: priority to volunteer positions will ALWAYS be given to return volunteers and to those who have attended the festival in the past. It is important for us to have volunteers who already feel invested in the culture and spirit of the TPB Festival.
Eligibility + Requirements
- Only volunteers over the age of 18 may apply.
- Ability to work each day of the festival. You will be assigned shifts totaling at least 18 hours depending on the task in exchange for a 4‐Day Festival Pass Volunteer-marked Festival Tee. There are a few positions Monday‐Wednesday before the festival and Monday after the festival.
- Only applications filled out in their entirety will be considered.
- All volunteers should expect to be scheduled for at least one evening/night time shift. Please note on your application the headline act you most want to see.
- FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS only, upon acceptance, you will provide a credit card or a check for the purchase a 4‐day ticket at the Early Bird Ticket price. Once you have completed all assigned shifts, you will be refunded the cost of your ticket.
- All new volunteers must attend the mandatory Volunteer Meeting before the festival- Times TBD. All returning volunteers are encouraged to attend as well.
- After your application has been reviewed, you will receive an Acceptance or Wait List email.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do Volunteers get Festival T-Shirts?
- YES! All Volunteers will receive a Festival Tee this year for 18 hours of work.
- Can I see my favorite band?
- We make every effort to schedule you around your favorite band. There is a section on the application to note up to 4 bands you don’t want to miss, but we cannot guarantee all. All volunteers should expect to work at least one evening shift.
- Can I volunteer with my friend?
- We will make an effort to make sure you volunteer at the same time slot, but not necessarily with your friend. There is a section on the application where you can put the person’s name(s).
- Can my children accompany me while volunteering?
- Because we need your full attention during your scheduled volunteer shifts, children may NOT accompany you during your volunteer shifts. They are welcome at the festival and in the campgrounds attended by another adult.
- What if I cannot make the volunteer meeting?
- We have determined that the volunteer meeting is an important and necessary aspect to ensure a successful volunteer experience. If you are unable to attend one of the two meetings, we ask that you wait and volunteer another year.
- Does Thomas Point Beach supply food & drink for volunteers?
- Like most other jobs, we ask that you come to volunteer well rested, fed, and hydrated. You are welcome to bring a water bottle or other non-alcoholic beverage to your shift with you. We prefer you not to eat during your shift if it is not necessary. We do supply water during your shift, but do not supply food or other beverages.
Festival Volunteer Positions
These are just a few specific areas we will be using volunteers. Some areas such as our gate, merchandise, Loose Caboose, and information table are operated by our own Staff/ Special Events Team.
- Parking‐ Direct vehicles and maintain smooth traffic flow, direct festival goers to the shuttle. Volunteers should be prepared to stand and come dressed for the weather.
- Gate Traffic– Coordinating entering and exiting traffic at the gate, watching for parking stickers and wristbands, directing day guests to the left upper day parking field. Watch carefully for pedestrians and remind folks kindly that our speed limit is 5 mph.
Access Road Attendant- The importance of this job cannot be overstated! Watch carefully for wristbands and stickers that may have escaped the traffic director. Direct campers. Assist in keeping speeds DOWN. We will provide a chair but we ask if there is traffic in the road you are please up on your feet to direct and watch. Radio to the info booth when a guest needs accessible parking – remember these guests should have bracelets but their blue ADA placard represents their parking pass.
- Family Activities Tent‐ Help children and their families with games, activities, and arts and crafts. Patience and a friendly attitude are a must.
- “Movers & Shakers”‐ Assist with band equipment as well as moving picnic tables and other park equipment as needed. Volunteers must be strong and willing to get a little dirty. In some cases, this may be an on-call position.
- “Like It Never Happened” Team‐ Help make sure Thomas Point Beach is restored to its true beautiful condition! This special team of folks help make the park look as good as new. Please bring work gloves and water. Shifts are 2 hours each morning and 2 hours from 3-5 pm Thursday‐Sunday of the festival. For those of you looking to volunteer after the festival, we also have a shift from 8 am- Noon available the Monday after the festival as well.
Shuttle Driver‐ Drive festival goers via shuttle from the parking lot to the music and back again. This person will need to provide proof of a clean and safe driving record and must be over 21 years of age. This person should be friendly, conscientious and patient. (Our speed limit is 5MPH in the park) Please note any evening driving restrictions.
- Band Merchandise- assist bands in selling merchandise when they are unable to do so and monitor merchandise while it is not being sold. This position requires interaction with bands at a professional level.